A play based upon the beloved story by Yael Roseman
The year is 1970 and Marianna immigrates to Israel from Russia with her father, following years of refusal. Her mother immigrated nine years before them and can’t be found.
The Communist regime did not allow them to be in touch throughout the years of their separation, and now upon their arrival to Israel they want to find her alive and well.
Mariana’s hopes for a new start are shattered while she faces a difficult absorption and loses all hope in finding her. In her despair she decides to begin searching on her own-experiencing many adventures alongside disappointments until she finally finds her mother. In her search she discovers the strength and power of true friendship and love.
This is a moving coming of age journey where Mariana learns what to look for but never what to find
Cast: Noa Har-Zion; Liat azar; Mor antar; Nadav laor; Hanan rozen